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Last updated
This section contains key information about the SMS campaign, including:
Campaign Name: The identifier of your campaign.
Start Time: The time the campaign was initiated.
Number of Recipients: The total number of contacts targeted by the messages.
Recipient Group: The name of the selected contact group.
SMS Header: The sender of the message.
Message: The content of the sent message.
Description: Entered description of the campaign.
Below this data, you'll find Statistics, which include:
A table detailing message statuses, divided into:
Injected: Messages entered into our system.
Track: Messages where a tracked link was clicked.
Unsubscribed: The number of recipients who used the unsubscribe link.
All statuses are displayed both numerically and as percentages relative to the entire campaign.
Highlighted fields with information about statuses:
Delivered: Messages successfully delivered to recipients.
Non-Delivered: Messages that were not delivered for various reasons (e.g., invalid number, recipient unavailable).
Waiting: Messages awaiting delivery reports from the GSM operator.
On the right side, there is a visualization of the message, showing how your campaign might appear on different mobile devices: Android, Huawei, and iOS.