SMTP Server Password
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Changing the SMTP server password enhances the security of your subaccounts and controls access to the service. Follow the steps below to change the password for your SMTP account.
Navigate to ‘Email’ > ‘Email API’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘SMTP Accounts’.
Locate the subaccount for which you wish to change the password and click on ‘Additional Settings’.
In the ‘General Settings’ section, click the ‘Settings’ button.
Check the ‘Change Password’ checkbox to activate the field for entering a new password.
Enter your new password and repeat it in the field below to confirm. Optionally, you can use the ‘Generate Password’ function to automatically create a secure password.
Click the ‘Save’ button to confirm your changes.
Password updates may take up to 15 minutes to take effect. Please perform a test send or proceed with integration after this time has elapsed.
Important: Changing your password may cause temporary interruptions to email sending. Please do not attempt any sending or integration activities for 15 minutes after changing your password.